The New Paradigm (First of a Series)

This week we chaired Day One of SuperReturn’s Private Credit US conference in New York. It’s a measure of the popularity of the asset class (and the outstanding agenda) that the auditorium was standing room only. Not including other SuperReturn strategy sessions on another floor.

In preparing for the opening keynote, we gave thought to how far private credit had come since 2022’s conference last September. Back then the Fed had only boosted rates about halfway towards its goal (so far) of 5.5% today. And inflation was just under 8%, compared to 3.7% (by one measure) and 2.4% (by another)…

▶︎ Read November 6 2023 Newsletter: here

(Any “forward-looking” information may include, among other things, projections, forecasts, estimates of market returns, and proposed or expected portfolio composition Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Investing involves risk; principal loss is possible.)